Nora Tigges

Nora, after growing up multilingual and studying medieval romance literature, has been singing professionally for many years, devoting herself primarily to oral
tradition and medieval monody. Since 2005 she has worked consistently with famed
Italian folksinger Lucilla Galeazzi. Other collaborations include Ambrogio Sparagna’s
Orchestra Popolare Italiana and, in the field of medieval music, Ensemble Micrologus
and the french trio Flor Enversa. Personal projects and recordings have included La Contraclau (contemporary interpretation of troubadour music) and the a capella trio fiordispina (traditional polyphonies of central Italy). She also directs community folk choirs.

In Zenìa, Nora takes turns with other villagepeople as innkeeper, house painter, forester, boat caulker and, of course, singer and storyteller.